Beer Review: Long Trail Double Bag Ale

One of my favorite beers of late is this strong ale from a Vermont microbrewery.

Beer: Double Bag Ale
Brewer: Long Trail Brewing Co.
Source: 12 oz. bottle
Rating: ** (6.9 of 10)
Comments: This is a malty altbier pours foamy and dark. After not being able to smell my beers lately I’m pleased to say this beer has a pleasant grainy aroma. And the taste is wonderful, malty and dry with a lilt of an aftertaste. All in all this is a good Green Mountain approximation of a Bavarian beer.

2 thoughts on “Beer Review: Long Trail Double Bag Ale

  1. Tried this again on draft and found it tasty but more bitter than I prefer. I gave it 6 out of 10 this time, but I’m trying to be a stricter scorer. Still a pretty good beer though.


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