DEEP DIVES – Album Review: Sign “☮︎” the Times by Prince; plus 8 and 16 by Madhouse

I am doing a deep dive into the work of the musical artist Prince.  Each week until December I will post my thoughts on albums released by Prince (and his bands and side projects) focusing on one year of his career. 

This week is the first time we’ll see Prince release multiple albums in the same year, something that will be more common as we go along.  In 1987, Prince released his first double album, Sign “☮︎” the Times.  But the always productive Prince also worked on the side project Madhouse, a jazz fusion band that released two albums, 8 and 16, in the same year. 

Album: Sign “☮︎” the Times
Artist: Prince
Release Date: March 30, 1987
Label: Paisley Park | Warner Bros.
Favorite Tracks:

  • Sign O’ The Times
  • Housequake
  • The Ballad of Dorothy Parker
  • Starfish and Coffee
  • Hot Thing
  • U Got The Look
  • If I Was Your Girlfriend
  • I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man
  • It’s Gonna By A Beautiful Night


Sign “☮︎” the Times is the Prince album that has always been highly-acclaimed by the critics.  For the longest time, I didn’t like it as much as Prince’s earlier albums, but over the years I’ve really warmed up to it.  I guess the critics were right all along.

I have mixed feelings about the title track which has an excellent stripped down groove, but lyrically is just a list of bad things happening.  It’s more reactionary than socially conscious.  The album has a lot of all-time classics including “The Ballad of Dorothy Parker,” “Starfish and Coffee,” “If I Was Your Girlfriend”, and “I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man” but there are no duds.  “U Got The Look,” Prince’s duet with Sheena Easton was the song with the constant airplay in 1987.  I’ve always liked Prince’s high-pitched alien voice and “the World Series of love” line, especially when Prince’s hometown Minnesota Twins ended up winning the World Series of baseball that season.

Rating: ****1/2

Album: 8
Artist: Madhouse
Release Date: 1987
Label: Paisley Park | Warner Bros.

Madhouse was Prince’s jazz fusion side project with saxophonist Eric Leeds.  Prince obviously picked up jazz influences from his father John L. Nelson, a jazz pianist and composer.  But then again Prince was also just curious about exploring different styles of music.  The tracks on this album are all instrumental and titled by their sequence “ONE,” “TWO,” “THREE,” et al. up to “EIGHT.”  Although Prince and Leeds were the only musicians on the album, publicity for the album created fictional band members.  Today this album and the next one appear to be out of print and very expensive on resale markets.  The only place I could find the Madhouse albums streaming was on YouTube.

Rating: ***

Album: 16
Artist: Madhouse
Release Date: 1987
Label: Paisley Park | Warner Bros.

The first Madhouse album had a cool jazz sound, which is not one of my favorite genres, but definitely better in the hands of Prince and Eric Leeds.  The second album has a looser, funkier vibe and features jams by Prince and Leeds as well as Sheila E. on drums, Levi Seacer, Jr. on bass guitar, and Dr. Fink on keyboards.  The tracks also feature samples and dubs which kind of sound like the groundwork for the more experimental music Prince created for the Batman soundtrack (I guess I’ll verify in a couple of weeks when I listen to that album). Madhouse recorded a third album called 24, however it never received an official release so I won’t be reviewing it for this project.

Rating: ***1/2


For You 1978 ***
Prince 1979 ***1/2
Dirty Mind 1980 ****
Controversy 1981 ****
1999 1982 Prince and the Revolution *****
Purple Rain 1984 Prince and the Revolution *****
Around the World in a Day 1985 Prince and the Revolution ****
Parade 1986 Prince and the Revolution ****
Sign “☮︎” the Times 1987 ****1/2
8 1987 Madhouse ***
16 1987 Madhouse ***1/2
Lovesexy 1988
Batman 1989
Graffiti  Bridge 1990
Diamonds and Pearls 1991 Prince and the New Power Generation
Love Symbol 1992 Prince and the New Power Generation
Goldnigga 1993 The New Power Generation
Come 1994
The Black Symbol 1994
The Gold Experience 1995
Exodus 1995 The New Power Generation
Chaos and Disorder 1996
Emancipation 1996
Kamasutra 1997 The NPG Orchestra
Crystal Ball 1998
The Truth 1998
Newpower Soul 1998 The New Power Generation
The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale 1999
Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic 1999
The Rainbow Children 2001
One Nite Alone… 2002
One Nite Alone… Live! 2002
Xpectation 2003
N-E-W-S 2003
Musicology 2004
The Chocolate Invasion 2004
The Slaughterhouse 2004
C-Note 2004
3121 2006
Planet Earth 2007
Indigo Nights 2008
Lotusflow3r/MPLSound 2009
20Ten 2010
Plectrumelectrum 2014 with 3rdeyegirl
Art Official Age 2014 with 3rdeyegirl
HITnRun Phase One 2015
HITnRun Phase Two 2015