Friday Fictioneers – The next great poet of their generation makes a statement

PHOTO PROMPT © Jennifer Pendergast

“Woody Guthrie painted ‘This Machine Kills Fascists’ on his guitar,” exclaimed Ethan.

“Ya, bro?” questioned Alina.

“And Pete Seeger’s banjo said ‘This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It to Surrender.’”

“Uh-huh … so what’s that on your guitar?”

“It’s a TV test pattern.”

“Wha? Dude, why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It means ‘The Revolution Won’t Be Televised!’”

“Not very original, bra.  You’re ripping off Guthrie, Seeger AND Gil Scott-Heron.  And still no one will ever know what the hell that means!”

“You’re just a normie, kid.  You don’t get it!”

“Whatever, just try writing a song that actually says something first!”

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly photo prompt flash fiction challenge on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Addicted to Purple blog.  See additional stories from the prompt by other writers here!

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