Book Review: A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett

Author: Terry Pratchett
Title: A Hat Full of Sky
Narrator: Stephen Briggs
Other books I’ve read by the same author:

Publication Info: HarperCollins, 2004

In the second Discworld novel about Tiffany Aching, the now 11-year-old witch leaves home to apprentice to an eccentric witch named Miss Level.  Apart from being frustrated with having to do more chores than learning spells, Tiffany has to deal with an entity known as a hiver.  The hiver occupies peoples’ minds and causes trouble up to and including death.

Meanwhile, the Wee Free Men under the leadership of Rob Anybody go on a quest to aid Tiffany.  Eventually the conflict with the hiver leads Tiffany to have to go on a journey of her own, accompanied by the powerful witch Granny Weatherwax.  What I love about this book is that when Tiffany finally confronts the hiver, she does so with compassion.  Even Granny Weatherwax is impressed.

It’s another funny and imaginative work from the pen of Pratchett

Rating: ****

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