Friday Fictioneers – The Glutton and the Lush’s Guide to Europe

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard

“We can start the day here at the art museum.”

“Oooh, that’s close to this bakery.  Their pastries are supposed to be divine!”

“There’s a biergarten nearby too.  They have wit beer and a Weiss beer made with the oldest recipes in Europe. I’ll have to try them both.”

“I don’t know if I can have two beers on an empty stomach.  Maybe we should lunch at Schultz’s restaurant? They have a Michelin star!”

“That doesn’t leave much time for the castle…”

“Honestly, I’d rather just spend the day eating and drinking!”

“Nice! The glutton and the lush take Europe!”

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly photo prompt flash fiction challenge on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Addicted to Purple blog.  See additional stories from the prompt by other writers here!

90 Movies in 90 Days: Mothlight (1963)

Every day until March 31, 2024 I will be watching and reviewing a movie that is 90 minutes or less.

Title: Mothlight
Release Date: December 12, 1963
Director: Stan Brakhage
Production Company: Self-produced

Pushing the boundaries of filmmaking, Stan Brakhage pressed the body parts of dead moths, blades of grass, and flower petals to a 16mm film.  No camera was used in production.  As originally shown, the flickering sound of the projector and the beam of light added to the impressionistic sense of moths flying about, something lost when watching it on YouTube. It’s a bit too early for the Acid Tests, but Mothlight also anticipates the psychedelic imagery of the 1960s.

Rating: ****