90 Movies in 90 Days: Bad Black (2016)

Every day until March 31, 2024 I will be watching and reviewing a movie that is 90 minutes or less.

Title: Bad Black
Release Date: September 25, 2016
Director: Nabwana I.G.G.
Production Company: Ramon Film Productions

From the makers of Who Killed Captain Alex? comes another extremely low-budget action thriller from Uganda.  In Kampala, a girl grows up on the streets with other children and becomes the leader of a powerful gang known as Bad Black (Nalwanga Gloria).  She seeks revenge on the millionaire Hirigi (Bisaso Dauda) who attacked her as a child and has plans to buy and evict everyone from the ghetto.  Meanwhile, American doctor Alan Ssali (Alan Ssali Hofmanis) is running a medical mission until Bad Black robs him of his money, passport, and dogtags.  In one of the funniest sequences of the film, he is trained to become a kung fu commando by a small child (Kasule Rolean).  In case you’re tempted to take any of this seriously the video joker VJ Emmie narrates a constant riff track on the movie.  Despite the low-budget silliness, this does feel like a better acted/better produced movie than Who Killed Captain Alex? and a more serious glimpse at poverty and violence in Kampala.

Rating: ***