Book Review: The City Where Dreams Come True by Gulsifat Shahidi

Around the World for a Good Book selection for Tajikistan

Author: Gulsifat Shahidi
Title: The City Where Dreams Come True
Publication Info: Hertforshire Press, 2016

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the newly independent Republic of Tajikstan fell into civil war.  Author Gulsifat Shahidi witnessed the war as a journalist, and tells how it affected the Tajik people in these four short stories.  Each story is narrated by a different member of the same family: Horosho, his granddaughter Nekbaht, her husband Ali and his cousin Shernazar. The stories illustrate the trauma of how the war divided this family but also the hope they have for the future and the love of their country.

Favorite Passages:

“The world is not without good people and it is inherent that I join them at the helm, to bring joy, kindness and happiness to others. And I’ll begin this righteous path with you.”

“If you do not cry over the grief of other humans, Can anyone call you human?”

Rating: ***1/2

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