Book Review: I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett

Author: Terry Pratchett 
Title: I Shall Wear Midnight 
Narrator: Indira Varma
Previously Read By the Same Author:

Publication Info: Clarion Books, 2023 [Originally published in 2010]

Tiffany Aching, now 15-years-old, is facing new challenges as the witch of The Chalk.  Her old friend and sometime love interest Roland is marrying a noble woman Letitia whose mother the Dutchess makes things even more miserable for Tiffany.  There’s a growing fear and prejudice against witches in the land even though the people still rely on her to care for the sick and elderly.  And she is being pursued by the Cunning Man, the demonic spirit of a witch-finder with no eyes and a foul smell.  As always, the Nac Mac Feegles follow Tiffany wherever she goes to protect her but inevitably end up causing her more trouble.  The novel is more mature than it’s predecessors reflecting Tiffany’s age and experience, and touches on themes such as domestic violence, teen pregnancy, prejudice, burgeoning sexuality, death, and grief.  With a visit to the city of Ankh-Morpork, Tiffany’s story also crosses overs with characters from the City Watch stories of Discworld.

Recommended books:

Rating: ****

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