Beer Review: Abbey Dubbel by Brewery Ommegang

Today’s beer is a Belgian Trappist-style ale from the capital of baseball, the flagship brew of Cooperstown’s Brewery Ommegang.

Beer: Abbey Dubbel
Brewer: Ommegang
Source: 750 ml bottle with cork
Rating: ** (6.4 of 10)
Comments: Despite the label promising an “aromatic brew” I could detect no scent from this beer. Perhaps my nose is stuffy or perhaps I poured it wrong. Fortunately, this beer tastes delicious. A rich, hearty beer that gets better the more you sip it.

What is your favorite water body?

The U.S. Geological Survey has a survey on their website in which you can vote for your favorite body of water.  I’m not quite sure how rainbows ended up being classified as a body of water since they’re not really a body of anything.  I voted for Big Rivers which seems to be the lowest ranked in Massachusetts (no love for the Charles, Mystic, Neponset, Merrimack, Connecticut, etc!?).