Book Review: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett

Author: Terry Pratchett
Title: Wintersmith
Narrator: Stephen Briggs
Publication Info: Clarion Books, 2007

Attending the “Dark Morris” dance, young witch Tiffany Aching finds herself inextricably drawn to participate.  The Wintersmith, the mysterious personification of winter, mistakes her for the Summer Lady and kind of gets a crush on Tiffany.  Now faced with the prospect of endless Winter, Tiffany has to solve the problem of the Wintersmith with the help of Granny Weatherwax, the Nac Mac Feegles, and her friend – and potential love interest – Roland (Tiffany is 13 after all and is beginning to develop feelings for boys although she won’t admit it).  On top of this, the elder witch Miss Treason dies, leaving her cottage to Annagramma, but it’s up to the more skilled Tiffany to help Annagramma succeed as the local witch.  This is another clever, amusing, and well-told tale from Discworld.

Rating: ****

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett

  1. I’ve recently been introduced to Granny Weatherwax in, “Equal Rites.” Not sure if you saw I’m working my way through the Discworld books, but ER is the 4th one so far. “Clever, amusing, and well-told” are perfect adjectives for Pratchett. When you say narrated by Briggs, was this an audiobook?

    Liked by 1 person

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