Friday Fictioneers – Undercover Bookworm

PHOTO PROMPT © Susan Rouchard

Sandra had an unassuming appearance and didn’t stand out in her junior college classes, but she did enjoy reading any book she could get her hand on. Hoping to earn tuition money she took a summer job cleaning at the Thornston’s estate. Finding herself with time on her hands she explored the family’s library. Turns out a number of those books were manuscripts documenting the “unorthodox” means that the Thorntons acquired their wealth.

Not attracting attention turns out to be an advantage when leaking information to the FBI. Nevertheless, she bought herself a flashy new overcoat with the reward money.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly photo prompt flash fiction challenge on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Addicted to Purple blog.  See additional stories from the prompt by other writers here!