Beer Review: Samuel Adams Boston 375 Colonial Ale

Beer: Boston 375 Colonial Ale
Brewer: Boston Beer Company
Source: Growler
Rating: *** (7.5 of 10)
Comments: On my recent tour of the Samuel Adams Brewery, I picked up a growler of this beer not widely available elsewhere.  It is a cloudy, dark brown beer with a big, bubbly head.  It has a sweet yeasty aroma with maybe a hint of orange.  The flavor is of sweet cream and a nutty smoked taste with a medium mouthful.  The head dissipates quickly and leaves behind no lacing.  This is a tasty beer and one that does Boston proud.


Beer Review: Samuel Adams Rebel IPA

BeerSamuel Adams Rebel IPA 
Brewer: Boston Beer Company
Source: Draft
Rating: ** (6.6 of 10)
Comments: Rebel IPA is amber-colored with a good-looking head, but not much visible carbonation.  The aroma is piney, and the flavor offers spicy grapefruit with an apricot aftertaste and a medium mouthfeel.  The beer leaves lovely lacing on the glass.  I’m not a fan of overly hoppy beers, and there seems to be an arms race to make the most bitter beer these days, but Samuel Adams has done a great job of extracting the best from the hops in this nicely balanced beer.

Beer Review: Peak Organic Pomegranate Wheat Ale

Beer: Peak Organic Pomegranate Wheat Ale
Brewer: Peak Organic Brewing Company
Source: 12 oz. bottle
Rating: ***(7 of 10)
Comments: A copper-colored, sparkling beer with a juicy fruit aroma, the Pomegranate Wheat Ale offers a spicy coriander flavor up front followed by a sweet bread and fruit taste.  It’s a mellow beer with a nice balance of sweet and spicy flavors, with neither too strong.