Time Begins … and I almost missed it

One of the best observed … but not official … national holidays occurred this week, and I almost neglected to write about it.  I refer of course to my annual post waxing rhapsodic about Opening Day in Major League Baseball.  It’s a day of hope and possibility, and since my two favorite teams won yesterday and today, hope flourishes.  Since rain delayed Opening Day at Fenway until today I can also be excused for my delay.

I’m not one for hot stove league discussion, and Spring Training barely excites me, so opening day kind of snuck up on me.  I do feel ashamed that I didn’t watch a single of the World Baseball Classic because I really enjoyed the premiere edition of that international competition back in 2006.  I guess there are many things that kept me away from making dates with MLB TV on my computer.  But not any more.  I expect that my teams will be in the playoffs this fall and I will watch how they get there over the next months.

Here are my 2009 season predictions or as they should be more properly termed, wild guesses.  One need only look at my 2008 predictions to see that my magic ball is broken.  I only was correct for two of the division champions (although two other teams I picked made it in as wild card winners) and I confidently stated that the Detroit Tigers would be World Series Champions.  If only.

New York Chicago Los Angeles
Philadelphia (WC) Milwaukee San Francisco
Florida Cincinnati Colorado
Atlanta St. Louis Arizona
Washington Houston San Diego
* Pittsburgh
Boston Minnesota Los Angeles of Anaheim
Tampa Bay (WC) Cleveland Oakland
New York Chicago Texas
Toronto Detroit Seattle
Baltimore Kansas City

NL Division Series:  Cubs defeat Phillies, Mets defeat Los Angeles

AL Division Series: Angels defeat Rays, Red Sox defeat Twins

NL Championship Series: Mets defeat Cubs

AL Championship Series: Angels defeat Red Sox

World Series:  Mets defeat Angels

Play Ball!


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